Table of Contents

Quote: “The foundation stones of a great building are destined to groan and be pressed upon; it is not for them to crown the edifice.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Purposes: To present the elements of a stable foundation that essentially all Americans can agree upon. To list 25 essential elements of agreement which should be recognized as the core of our societal foundation going forward, broken down into 5 groups with five or more major examples in each. 

Work in Progress


“Since the founding of this nation, education and democracy have gone hand in hand. The Founders believed a nation that governs itself, like ours, must rely upon an informed and engaged electorate. Their purpose was not only to teach all Americans how to read and write but to instill the self-evident truths that are the anchors of our political system.” — Ronald Reagan
Knowledge of our system of governance and our rights and responsibilities as citizens is not passed along through the gene pool. Each generation of Americans must be taught these basics. Families and parents have a key role to play, yet our schools remain the one universal experience we all have to gain civic knowledge and skills. That is the civic mission of schools. — Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, United States Supreme Court (1981–2006)

Purpose: To expound upon our common foundation (of knowledge) regarding how our government, and therefore our entire society is designed to function. To include, as part of the educational value selected to be included in this package, core, elemental knowledge that is essential for any citizen who has any interest in politics whatsoever and wants to consider themselves “educated”. Expressed in the negative, whoever does not want to be ignorant to the basics of how our democracy works, or at least how it is supposed to work. 

Subjects: democracy, republic, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, 3 branches of government, division of powers, state governments, state legislatures, municipal governments, election law, the electoral college, the two party system and third parties, Convention of States, the Federal Reserve 

Keywords: socialism, communism, right wing, left wing, liberal, conservative, neo-liberal, progressive,

Notes: Common knowledge is important.


Quote: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past; The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” – George Orwell

Purpose: Another step into summarizing what is already known by many, but unfortunately, despite almost all adults in the USA having graduated high school and attended history classes for hundreds of hours in school over the years of their youth, is to the greatest degree, not common knowledge. It is therefore, a refresher course. We can all benefit from it. 

Subjects: American and European history since the 16th century from the discovery and colonization of the New World, the Holy Roman Empire, the reformation, the 30 years war, the first US colonies, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, Napoleon, Slavery, the Industrial Revolution, the Civil War, WWI, the depression, WWII, the Cold War, Civil Rights Movement, JFK, Vietnam, the 1960s, the 70s, 80s, 90s…

Keywords: Nothing specific to add here on this chapter

Notes: Nothing specific on this chapter yet

Quote: “Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms.” –  Aristotle 

Purpose: To summarize for the reader the astounding events over the past 20 years which have lead to the current situation and to present the case that those at the very top of politics in the USA have only made things worse through hypocritical partisan behaviour and alignment with powerful economic interests such as the Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Tech and the Military Industrial Complex. 

Subjects: 911 and the Patriot Act, The Big Short, ignoring the Occupy Movement, the 2016 election, Trump as POTUS, the Russia Collusion Hoax, the rise of China, COVID 19, the 2020 election and the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Keywords: Nothing specific to add here on this chapter

Notes: Nothing specific on this chapter yet

Quote: “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” – Confucius 

Purpose: To address the numerous different issues which apparently have Americans so divided since 2016.

Subjects: How DJT became POTUS, MSM and Big Tech bias, the Russia Collusion Hoax and Witchhunt, Trump derangement syndrome, Cancel Culture, liberal indoctrination through education “industry”, identity politics and tribalism, Critical Race Theory, BLM, the southern border, election transparency, education reform.

Keywords: Confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, LGBT rights, labeling without listening, late term abortion, attack on the 1st Amendment, Identity politics, tribalism, wok-ism, racism, open borders, de-fund the police, critical race theory, voter I.D. laws, media bias, censorship.

 Notes: Nothing specific on this chapter yet

Quote:The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.” –  H.L. Mencken 

 Purpose: To succinctly summarize the arguments against climate alarm-ism and educate the reader to the fact that there are substantial facts and arguments that they are likely thus far entirely unaware of.

Work in Progress

Quote:When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” – JFK

Purpose: To identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the Republic of the USA in 2024 and the future.

Subjects: Constitution, diversity, creativity, entrepreneurship, propaganda, education, bureaucracy / “deep state”, gridlock, divisiveness, complacency, gullible public, reform, education reform,  Convention of States, censorship, cancel culture, media bias, ignorance, debt, coming generational storm / demographics,

Keywords: Nothing specific to add on this chapter yet

Notes: Nothing specific on this chapter yet

Quote: “The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy.” — Montesquieu 

Purpose: To prescribe actions which will lead to measures which will lead to solutions.

Subjects: Reform, participation, platform, Convention of States, education reform, self-education, campaign finance reform, term limits, election reform.

Keywords: partisanship, gridlock, corruption, hypocrisy, lack of principle, msm and Big Tech bias,

Notes: Nothing specific on this chapter yet


“United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs.”
– Patrick Henry
“And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.”
– Matthew, 12:25